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Writer's pictureSYC

The Online solution...

Updated: Jun 22, 2020

On 11th March 2020, The COVID-19 outbreak was declared a global pandemic,

This followed the Prime Minister of India, Sri.Narendra Modi declaring a nationwide lockdown.

In these troubled times of global health crises,It is of utmost importance to maintain a good health and reinforce our immune systems.

But due to the lockdown and to practise social distancing,The centre was shut down until things settled down.

As a responsible institution, being in the field of health,we felt the need to contribute to the society in a much greater way.

To tackle the dilemma of having to stay healthy

and also stay home,we came up with a solution.

We decided to conduct online classes

The classes have been successfully

going on for the past 3 months,

with a good number of attendance.

This has allowed practitioners all

over the world to get benefited by our


This year, The International Yoga day

was celebrated on 21st June,for the first time online!!

It was a happy occasion to see over 150 people turn up.

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